• Browser Push Notification

Getting Started with Drip Push Notification Campaigns

Last updated on Aug 19, 2022

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Getting Started with Drip Push Notification Campaigns

Adblocker adoption is shooting through the roof. Display ads are barely clicked on. Email is not scalable. In essence, growth is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain. We get it. It is not just user acquisition, user engagement is becoming equally difficult. Extending a layer of automation is obvious to a marketing tool. Here is a guide that talks about how you can use Drip Notification Campaigns to automate redundant tasks and put them on autopilot.

Automating Engagement With Drip Push Notification Campaigns

Objective behind marketing automation is simple -

  • Avoiding redundant tasks 
  • Investing the time saved on better things such as audience segmentation, optimization, and more.

Depending upon the scale, sophistication involved, marketers can automate most of their end user communication using web push notification. The triggers for pushing out notification can vary. In this post, we will talk about the simplest trigger - Subscribing to web push notifications.

Communicating Too Much or Too Little

We have seen more than often that, marketers often wait long before they send out their first notification. The reason cited is the size of the audience. We have already seen that how not engaging with users at the right time, creates a shock and awe situation, resulting in a high number of users unsubscribing or blocking notifications. What you also don't want to do is communicate too much by pushing them too many notifications and pushing them to block or unsubscribe.

Consistent User Engagement - marketing automation Why sending timely notifications is important-


How Can Marketing Automation Help?

Automating notification using Drip Campaigns can help marketers save a great deal of time. To setup a Drip Campaigns or Automated Notifications, you need to ensure 3 things –

  1.     Defining a dynamic audience segment
  2.     Identify a trigger
  3.     Craft a relevant notification to be sent with respect to the trigger and set its frequency

Sending notifications on a regular basis takes a good amount of time which usually eCommerce marketers can’t afford. With the help of automation, eCommerce stores can engage with a larger audience efficiently without any extra effort.

What is Dynamic Audience and Why do you need a dynamic audience:

A dynamic audience is essentially an audience segment that is created using filters such as events, time ( no date ) or user behavior and grows organically. An example of a dynamic audience is :

Dynamic Audience Segments - marketing automation Dynamic Audience Segments perform better in the long run.

Here is an example of a static audience segment-

Static Audience Segments - marketing automation Static Audience Segments are relevant for short-term only.


You could also use a combination of filters such as Device, Subscription Date, Location to create dynamic audience segments. For instance:

Here are some recommended dynamic audience segments that will help you craft an engagement routine:

eCommerce Media and Publishing Services and SaaS
Subscribed 1 Day Ago and

Device = Mobile and

Location = US

Subscribed 1 Day Ago and Device = Mobile and

Location = California

Subscribed 1 Day Ago and Device = Desktop and

Location = UK

Subscribed 7 Days Ago and

Device = Desktop and

Language = German

Subscribed 30 Days Ago and

Device = Desktop and

Language = Hindi

Subscribed 1 Day Ago and

Device = Mobile and

Preference = <>

  1. Identifying a Trigger

Triggers are essentially events basis which you would want to send out the first communication. These can be standard events like subscribing to notifications or custom events such as Add To Cart.

Subscriber Segmentation - marketing automationSpecific Segmentation Filters To Target Specific Set of Users


Subscription date is a great trigger to setup your first drip notification campaign. Specific filters can be used to segment users. Depending upon the industry and the frequency with which you want to communicate, you can create specific segments.  Here is a sample of Audience Segments created by their date of subscription- 

Audience Segments basis their subscription date - marketing automation Segmentation of Subscribers basis their Age of subscription-

Setting up Drip Notification Campaigns

Setting up drip notification campaign requires two things -

  • Notification Content with respect to the Audience
  • The frequency at which the notification will be sent to a specific audience: Daily / Weekly / Monthly.
Drip Push Notification frequency can be daily, weekly or monthly - marketing automation Setting Frequency of Drip Push Notifications


Here is a step by step guide on how to setup your first drip notification campaign. After you’ve created the desired audience, here is how you can automate push notifications for them using iZooto:

1. Click on Send notification in the left sidebar.

marketing automation

Create the notification that you want to send.

2. Select the audience that you created using audience builder.

3. Click on Schedule Notifications for later

4. Select Recurring and choose the start date. You can select an end date if you are running a time-bound campaign.Drip Notification Campaigns iZooto - marketing automation


Setting frequency of drip notification campaigns to Weekly - marketing automation Drip Push Notifications - Executed on a Weekly Frequency
Drip Push Notification Campaigns which are executed basis the date of the month - marketing automation Drip Push Notification executed basis the date of the month
Setting the frequency of drip notification campaign to daily - marketing automation Executing Drip Notification Campaign Daily

Get started with Drip Push Notification Campaigns on your website with iZooto.  
Book A Demo to learn more about how you can use push notifications to retarget your users.

Scheduling notifications beforehand will help save time and plan better. With iZooto, marketers can now create drip campaigns effortlessly. Sending notifications to audiences based on subscription dates will ensure that they get notified differently, based on the number of days they have been subscribed to your notification. For example, on Day 1 subscribers will receive a different notification as compared to what they will receive on Day 14. Pushing out notifications in this manner will drive traffic and build recall value. The best part about this is that- it only has to be done once.

Here is a series of notifications that can be used as reference:

Day 01- Greet your subscribers with a welcome notification. Reward your subscribers by offering them a discount coupon.

Welcome Notification template for ecommerce

Day 07 - Call your subscribers back to your website by delighting them with an irresistible offer. Give the subscribers a reason to come back to your website and make a purchase.

Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer template

Day 14- Appreciate your subscribers for staying with you and make them feel wanted.

Notification Template for appreciating subscribers

Day 21- Send a special deal to your subscribers.

Special deals for subscribers

Day 28- Create a sense of urgency among your subscribers and get them to visit your website.

Creating a sense of urgency with web push notification

In this particular example, each new subscriber will receive 5 notifications in a month. This means subscribers will have a reason to keep coming back again. You can increase or decrease the frequency of the notifications based on your requirements.

Convert more of your website traffic into sales with iZooto Web Push Notifications. Start your FREE trial Now.


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Aditya Krishna
Aditya Krishna
Aditya Krishna is a Product Associate at iZooto who doesn't understand the phrase 'too much coffee'. Quite fond of meeting new people, he deeply cares about social issues and is passionate about finding ways to make a positive difference in people's lives. Apart from this, he loves doodling in his free time and is an amazing bathroom singer.

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