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WordPress Post Scheduling Plugins: Which is the Right One for You?

Written by Sanjay Kumar | May 27, 2024

The world of news and media publishing is highly fast-paced where maintaining a steady flow of content is crucial. As a news and media publisher, if you use WordPress as your preferred CMS, managing multiple writers and authors can become an uphill task. 

Just imagine the daily chaos of a bustling newsroom: articles from several contributors, urgent stories breaking, and editors juggling multiple deadlines. This is exactly the space where WordPress Post Scheduling Plugins can make a difference for news and media publishers.

WordPress post-scheduling plugins turn chaos into a well-organized process, allowing editors to plan and publish content strategically. Editors can plan news pieces to go live at peak hours for maximum readership or schedule other articles at a later time on a particular day. These plugins make it easier for editors to manage the output of their newsrooms efficiently.

Several top WordPress post-scheduling plugins come equipped with capabilities to automatically share posts across social media platforms. This integration ensures that articles not only go live on the website but also reach a wider audience through synchronized social media updates, driving traffic and engagement.

Best Post Scheduling Plugin for WordPress

Whether you're looking to streamline your editorial process, improve publishing schedules, or improve social media outreach these post-scheduling plugins will help. We’ve curated a list of the best plugins that meet the unique demands of modern digital publishing.


Editorial Calendar

The Editorial Calendar plugin provides an overview of your WordPress website, including when each post will be published. All you have to do is use drag & drop to move posts, edit entries directly in the calendar, and manage your website. 

One of the standout features is its ability to view all scheduled posts in a calendar format, providing a comprehensive overview of when each article will go live. This visual representation is complemented by a drag-and-drop interface, allowing editors to easily adjust post dates, ensuring optimal timing for maximum readership.

WordPress Editorial Calendar enhances draft management with a dedicated drafts drawer, enabling quick access and organization of unpublished content. Editors can quickly edit post titles, contents, and publish times without leaving the scheduling interface, ensuring swift adjustments as needed. Additionally, these tools facilitate the management of posts from multiple authors, providing an easy way to see the status of each article. 

Pricing: Free



CoSchedule enables news and media publishers to manage their content calendar. You can use CoSchedule to create tasks and distribute them among teammates. These tasks can include blog posts, email messages, webinars, and so on. 

Additionally, CoSchedule integrates seamlessly with Google Docs and multiple third-party platforms, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. Users can edit the editorial calendar directly from within WordPress, making it convenient to manage and adjust schedules without switching between different tools.

CoSchedule’s built-in headline analyzer is a valuable tool for optimizing article titles to boost engagement and reach. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to reschedule posts, while the robust workflow management features improve team coordination and integration with social media platforms. 

Pricing: $29 per month (billed annually), including one year of support.


Auto Post Scheduler

Auto Post Scheduler helps media and news publishers quickly schedule their upcoming posts by offering a fully automated approach. This is especially useful for importing a large number of posts.

With this auto-blogging plugin, you can schedule when you want to publish a post. Auto Post Schedule goes through your drafts and publishes the oldest one. Using Auto Post Schedule, you can import 100 posts and have one automatically published every 24 hours. This plugin also lets you recycle old posts. This means once your 100 posts are published, they will all be reposted in the same order, keeping your site fresh and increasing search traffic.

Pricing: Free on the Creator plan. The Pro version of the WP Auto Post scheduler, priced at $25, has enhanced functionality and premium support. 


PublishPress Planner

PublishPress Planner offers comprehensive tools for news and media publishers to organize their WordPress content, including a Content Calendar, Content Overview, Kanban Board, and notifications.

PublishPress Planner's key features include a Content Calendar, which shows you when content is planned and published. You can use the Calendar to add new content. You can also drag and drop articles to a different publication date. Similarly, the information Overview panel lets you dive down and browse information sorted by status, category, or user. 

Pricing: PublishPress Pro is priced at $69.00 for one site and $129.00 for up to five sites.


Schedule Press

With over 10,000 active installations, Schedule Press could be the perfect content marketing solution for your WordPress news website, allowing you to schedule, organize, and automatically share blog posts. 

Do you want your website to be active while you're on vacation? Schedule Press allows you to automate your content process while keeping track of your content planning with a drag-and-drop, visual Schedule Calendar, Auto Scheduler, Manual Scheduler, easy handling of missed schedules, and other features. 

SchedulePress' editorial calendar tool lets you see when your posts are scheduled. You can get an overview of your blog posts and when they will be published all in one location. Not only that, but you can use drag and drop to edit and move posts right from the editorial calendar.

Schedule Press also allows you to automatically share your posts on social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Pricing: Has a free version in WordPress.org. The Pro version is priced at $39 for a single site.


Schedule Posts Calendar

Schedule Posts Calendar helps scheduling posts using a calendar that allows you to specify both the date and time for publishes. 

Schedule Posts Calendar adds a JavaScript calendar to the scheduled publish widget, allowing you to select a date and time graphically rather than using the text entry forms.

Schedule Posts Calendar integrates seamlessly with WordPress 6.1.1 and saves a lot of time for news and media publishers. It makes it so much easier to plan content on the WordPress backend. Simple and effective!

Pricing: Free

These WordPress post-scheduling plugins have become essential for keeping a steady supply of publications and streamlining editorial workflows. 

Moreover, scheduling plugins provide a structured approach to handling recurring content types. For instance, regular features like weekly columns, monthly reports, or special series can be pre-scheduled. 

We hope this article provides you with all of the information you are looking for in terms of the WordPress Posts Scheduling Plugin. Choose the one that makes your work easier and helps you execute your plans perfectly.